SING Charter

This is the SING Charter (Constitution Of Association), All members agree to and abide by the document. You can click the link to downloand a PDF version HERE .


1.        The group shall be called “Success in Networking Group” (SING).



2.        SING is a group of like minded business people networking together to benefit each member. Being a group with non-profit intentions, surplus funds are donated to local community projects, charity, or persons with special needs. 

3.        The objectives of SING are:

3.1.    to provide a weekly networking event for local business people to further their businesses;

3.2.    to create growth and diversity;

3.3.    to share knowledge and experience;

3.4.    to develop extended networks through referrals and friendships; and

3.5.    to provide a pathway for local business to give back to the local community. 

4.        SING is not for the express purpose of making a profit from its members, however surplus funds may be generated and will be used in promoting the group and/ or in supporting community/ charity groups.

5.        SING has a high standard of integrity and business values to ensure that members within the group add value to the other member’s business.



6.        The powers of SING are as follows:

6.1.    To open and operate bank accounts;

6.2.    Accept donations and gifts in accordance with the objects of SING;

6.3.    Print and publish any information by any media including newsletters, newspapers, articles or leaflets for promotion of SING;

6.4.    Provide gifts and prizes in accordance with the objects of SING;

6.5.    Organise social events for members and the promotion of SING; and

6.6.    To enter into any other contract that SING considers necessary or desirable.



7.        Membership shall be open to only one member of every profession e.g. one accountant, one painter etc. who wishes to further the interests of SING.

8.        The focus of membership to SING is on locally owned and operated individual businesses, rather than corporates or multinationals.

9.        Each person admitted to membership shall be;

9.1.    bound by the Charter and By-laws of SING;

9.2.    become liable for such fees and subscriptions as may be fixed by SING;

9.3.    required to attend all weekly meetings, or to have a substitute attend; and

9.4.    entitled to all advantages and privileges of membership.

10.     An application for membership may be refused without a given reason.

11.     Visitors to SING may attend up to two times before becoming members.

12.     New members must be sponsored by an existing member of SING to join the group.

13.     All members are expected to attend all weekly meeting (if possible). Members acknowledge that absences and latecomers mean less business for members, therefore the Executive Committee may give warnings to members who are consistently late or absent. If the problem persists, the member may be subject to removal by the Executive Committee.



14.     Any person’s membership may be terminated by the following events: 

14.1. Resignation;

14.2. Expulsion; or

14.3. A member’s quarterly membership fee remains unpaid after 2 months falling due.

15.     The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any member of SING for:

15.1. Any of the events in clause 14;

15.2. False or inaccurate statements made in the member’s application for membership of SING;

15.3. Breach of any rule, regulation or by-law of SING; and

15.4. By any act detrimental to SING, after having undertaken due inquiry.

16.     Notwithstanding the above clauses, if an event listed in clause 14 or 15 occurs, the Executive Committee may, at their sole discretion, put a member on probation relating to the member’s business practices or commitment to the group.

17.     Any member who is expelled, suspended or has their membership terminated, shall have the right to appeal against their suspension or expulsion by presenting their case to a General Meeting called for such purpose, and the decision of the General Meeting shall be final.



18.     Management of SING shall be vested in the Executive Committee elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and consisting of:

18.1. President;

18.2. Secretary;

18.3. Treasurer; and

18.4. Immediate Past President.

19.     No person shall hold more than one position on the Executive Committee at any one time. All positions on the Executive Committee will be re-elected at the Annual General Meeting and all previous Office Bearers will be eligible for re-election. 

20.     A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be half of its Executive Committee plus one.

21.     If the President is unable to attend, then a chairperson nominated by the meeting shall chair that meeting.

22.     A member of the Executive Committee may lose his or her seat on the committee for either of the following;

22.1. Absence from three or more meetings without leave of absence; or

22.2. Found not to be a financial member.


23.     The Executive Committee shall carry out the day-to-day running of SING and shall have the power to:

23.1. Administer the finances, appoint bankers, and direct the opening of banking accounts for specific purposes and to transfer funds from one account to another, and to close any such account; 

23.2. Fix the manner in which such banking accounts shall be operated upon, providing the Executive Committee passes all payments; 

23.3. Fix fees and subscriptions payable by members and decide such levies, fines and charges as is deemed necessary and advisable, and to enforce payment thereof; 

23.4. Adjudicate on all matters brought before it which in any way affect SING;

23.5. Cause minutes to be made of all proceedings at meetings of the Committee and General Meetings of members;

23.6. Make, amend and rescind rulings and by-laws; 

23.7. Have the power to form and appoint any sub-committee/s as required for specific purposes; 

23.8. Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Committee during the year, the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor until the next Annual General Meeting; and

23.9. Appoint an officer/s or agent of the Executive Committee to have custody of SING’s records, documents and securities.



24.     The Annual General Meeting of SING must be held prior to the end of the calendar year.

25.     The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice of the date of the Annual General Meeting, to members. 

26.     All financial members may attend the Annual General Meeting. 

27.     The quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be a minimum of the Executive Committee. If, at the end of 30 minutes after the time appointed in the notice for the opening of the Meeting, there be no quorum the meeting shall stand and adjourn for one week. If at such meeting there is no quorum  those members present shall be competent to discharge the business of the meeting. 

28.     The agenda for an Annual General Meeting shall be:

28.1. Opening of Meeting;

28.2. Apologies;

28.3. Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting;

28.4. Presentation of Annual Report;

28.5. Adoption of Annual Report;

28.6. Presentation of Treasurer’s statement;

28.7. Election of New Executive;

28.8. Vote of thanks to outgoing Executive;

28.9. Determination of Quarterly Membership Fee;

28.10.     Notice/s of Motion;

28.11.     Urgent general business; and

28.12.     Closure.

29.     General Meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or at the request of the President and Secretary or on the written request of members of SING.

30.     The Secretary shall give at least seven (7) days notice, in writing, of the date of the General Meeting to the members. Notice of General Meetings shall set out clearly the business for which the meeting has been called. No other business shall be dealt with at that General Meeting. 

31.     The quorum at the General Meeting shall be a minimum of the Executive Committee members.



32.     Voting powers at the Annual General Meeting and General Meetings shall be as follows:

32.1. The President shall be entitled to a deliberate vote, and, in the event of a tied vote, the President shall exercise a casting vote; and

32.2. Each individual financial member present shall have one (1) vote.

33.     In relation to voting powers at Executive Committee Meetings;

33.1. The President shall be entitled to a deliberate vote, and, in the event of a tied vote, the President shall exercise a casting vote; and

33.2. Each individual committee member present shall have one (1) vote.



34.     All membership fees are to be paid quarterly in advance.

35.     All fees are non-refundable.

36.     Fees cannot be transferred from one member to another unless the fees are from the same membership entity.

37.     All funds of SING shall be deposited into SING’s accounts at such bank or recognised financial institution as the Executive Committee may determine.

38.     All accounts due by SING shall be paid by cheque, direct debit or cash after having being passed for payment at the Executive Committee Meeting and when immediate payment is necessary, account/s shall be paid and the action endorsed at the next Executive Committee Meeting.

39.     The Secretary shall not spend more than a set amount Petty Cash without the consent of the Executive Committee, and shall keep a record of such expenditure in a Petty Cash Book.

40.     A statement showing the financial position of SING shall be tabled at each Executive Committee Meeting by the treasurer.

41.     A statement of Income and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.

42.     The financial year of SING shall commence on January 1st each year.

43.     The signatories to SING’s account/s will be the Treasurer and the following;

43.1. President; and

43.2. Secretary.

44.     All property and income of SING will apply solely to the promotion of the objects of SING and no part of that property or income shall be paid or otherwise distributed, directly, or indirectly, to members, except in good faith in the promotion of these objects.



45.     No alteration, repeal or addition shall be made to the Charter except at the Annual General Meeting, or General Meeting, called for that purpose and notice of all motions to alter, repeal or add to the Charter shall be given to members fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting, or seven (7) days prior to a General Meeting called for such purpose.

46.     The Secretary shall forward such notices of motion to each Executive Committee member at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting or seven (7) days prior to a General Meeting.

47.     Alterations to the By-laws can be made only at Executive Committee Meetings provided notice of the proposed alteration/s has been duly notified to Committee Members.

48.     Such motions, or any part thereof, shall be of no effect unless passed by a seventy five percent (75%) majority (special resolution) of those present and entitled to a vote at the Annual General Meeting, General Meeting or Executive Committee Meeting, as the case may be. 



49.     If, on the closure of SING, any property of SING remains after satisfaction of the debts and liabilities of SING and the costs, charges and expenses of that winding up, that property shall be distributed:

49.1. To another incorporated club having objectives similar to those of SING; or

49.2. For charitable purposes, which incorporated club or purposes, as the case requires, shall be determined by resolution of the members.

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